B. 堕胎题材的主流化尝试也可视作其被好莱坞模式驯化的产物从白人中产主妇的角度出发将侧重点从运动本身的艰难转移至个体在集体中的“觉醒”但人物转变的关键节点缺少刻画情节全程顺风顺水两个人看的视频在线观看导致呈现出一种过度抛光后的塑料质感牺牲了疼痛、锐气和粗粝获得了更“平易近人”的温情叙事和潜在更大的观众群体这样的tradeoff究竟是否有其意义2022.2.14 Berlinale
Jesus was a sailor when he walked upon the water, and he spent a long time watching from his lonely wooden tower. His actions to his language accord, his words to his large heart give utterance due, his heart contains of good, wise, just, the perfect shape.